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All registered papers will be submitted for publication by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.
CARDS proceedings are submitted for inclusion in Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
Authors of selected best accepted and presented papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
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Some topics of interest for the Attacks and Defense track include but are not limited to:
Topics of interest for ICDF2C track include but are not limited to:
This year, we are excited to expand the scope of the International Conference of Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime (ICDF2C), into Cyber Attacks Response and Defense (CARDS). The scope of digital forensics is expanding, and as we continuously explore mechanisms of hacking into devices to pull evidence, as well as find traces of evidence of complex hacks, it has become apparent that different cybersecurity communities have to start working together.
The 2019 conference will embody this mission, and as such, has two major tracks: Attacks and Defense as well as Response – which is covered by the ICDF2C track. We are excited about this change, and we hope that this will inspire scientists and practitioners in various cybersecurity sub-disciplines to work together. We are especially interested in promoting, inspiring and embracing applied cybersecurity work, and we are aiming to position this conference.
The Internet has made it easier to perpetrate crimes by providing criminals an avenue for launching attacks with relative anonymity. Today, vulnerabilities in software can be exploited for compromising millions of hosts especially if applied on new and widely-used emerging technologies where the impact of the attack can grow exponentially. Even if the attacks techniques remain the same, their applications on new technologies can pose new challenges on both defense and attack strategies that need to be addressed.
Moreover, the increased complexity of the communication and networking infrastructure is making investigation of the cybercrimes difficult. Clues of illegal activities are often buried in large volumes of data that needs to be sifted through in order to detect crimes and collect evidence. The field of digital forensics and cybercrime investigation has become very important for law enforcement, national security, and information assurance.
This conference brings together practitioners and researchers from diverse fields providing opportunities for business and intellectual engagement among attendees. We are providing a venue that not only offers chances for networking, but also provides high-quality training opportunities through expert speakers and tutorials on basic and advanced forensic and high attack/defensive methods on a large scale applied on emerging on new technologies.
This event is organized by EAI.
EAI – European Alliance for Innovation is a non-profit organization and a professional community established in cooperation with the European Commission to empower the global research and innovation, and to promote cooperation between European and International ICT communities.
EAI’s vision is to foster excellence in research and innovation on the principles of transparency, objectivity, equality, and openness. Our guiding principle is community cooperation to create better research, provide fair recognition of excellence and transform best ideas into commercial value proposition.
EAI‘s mission is to create an environment that rewards excellence transparently, and builds recognition objectively regardless of age, economic status or country of origin, where no membership fees or closed door committees stand in the way of your research career.
Through these shared values, EAI leads the way toward advancing the world of research and innovation, empowering individuals and institutions for the good of society to fully benefit from the digital revolution.
2018 – New Orleans, United States
2017 – Prague, Czech Republic
2016 – New York City, United States
2015 – Seoul, South Korea
2014 – New Haven, Connecticut, United States
2013 – Moscow, Russia
2012 – Lafayette, Indiana, United States
2011 – Dublin, Republic of Ireland
2010 – Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
2009 – Albany, New York, United States